
URBrandBuilder offers tailored management and marketing services to suit your requirements. Whether you wish to build a full campaign or require support in one particular focus area, URBrandBuilder can provide you with custom services, easily extending the reach of your marketing department without having to invest in additional personnel.

URBrandBuilder can provide you with excellent skills in assessing a project and get things done quickly and effectively. A particular strength is the ability to quickly understand the target market and devise a plan to reach that market and the objectives of a particular product or brand. We can also handle a variety of jobs from the management of a specific project from a comprehensive and strategic approach, to more finite jobs such as Social Media Management, copywriting and content writing.

Your brand is a story unfolding across all customer touch points.
— Jonah Sachs

Claire is an experienced problem-solver with extensive management and marketing background working with leading companies in a wide range of industries, from FMCG to Telecoms to hospitality and recruitment. Today with the collaboration of a few tried and tested sub-contractors, URBrandBuilder offers a personalised service to a diversified range of clients. New clients are hand-picked so that the service remains tailor-made to YOUR requirements.

It’s quite fun to do the impossible.
— Walt Disney